Car Accidents

You’ve been in an accident. Not only are you dealing with physical pain, but also the mental duress caused by medical expenses, a rise in the cost of insurance, missed work due to injury, and then there are the car repairs. A car accident can be one of the most expensive and stressful hardships anyone will face.

Did you know that motor vehicle accidents are one of the top two leading causes of injury, from infancy all the way through old age? This is something everyone will experience at some point in his or her life. It can feel overwhelming… But how can you handle this situation so that you come out on top?

Below is important information about the challenges you may face after an accident, and how best to handle them.

After an accident, auto insurance companies will try to use their large legal departments to minimize what they pay out to their policyholders. If the accident involved another driver, their insurance companies and personal injury lawyers will seek to put the blame and financial obligation on your shoulders.

If you have been injured in an auto accident, you may be entitled to additional compensation, beyond what your insurance company offers to cover your medical costs, including compensation for lost wages, medical bills not covered by your insurance, physical and emotional pain and distress, and reduction in the quality of your life. Representing yourself leaves you with little leverage.

The good news is that with the personal injury attorneys at Champion Law Firm, you are not alone.

It is crucial that you contact us as quickly as possible. The sooner you act, the more likely your personal injury attorney can successfully represent you. Our lawyers can help you recover losses from your motor vehicle accident, and reduce the paperwork and hassle associated with car accident insurance claims.

If you would like to learn more about your legal options, you can do so free of charge by speaking to one of our experienced auto accident lawyers. Do not wait. Contact us at today at 818-995-8200 to strengthen your case and better prepare you for the important decisions to come.